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Image by Startaê Team

A vision without a plan is a daydream. 

A plan without a vision is a nightmare. 

  Our Process  

Growth happens when there is a clear strategy and focus on execution. Our management consulting firm moves ideas from powerpoint slides into reality, and inspires engaged employees to get things done.

Management consulting services - strategic planning
Set and cascade clear organizational objectives and energize staff
Management Consulting Services - Process Mapping
Create an end-end view of your business to plan structured improvements
Management Consulting Services - Continuous Improvement
Convert plans into tangible outcomes through structured implementation 

We engage your staff in collaborative ways. This includes everything from workshops to coaching conversations. By doing so, we launch you on the best path for your unique business needs. Not sure what you need? Book an introductory call or assessment with us and we can help you create a concrete plan on how to move forward. 

Our Process
Our services

  Our Management Consulting Services   

Strategic Planning
Management Consulting Firm Toronto - Strategic Planning


Hope without a plan is a plan without hope. We believe everyone in your organization can and wants to contribute their very best to the organization. We make that possible with our management consulting services by transforming business strategy into action plans at every level of the organization. Our strategic insights can help you decide where to invest in your business and how to grow margins and cashflows. See how we helped an R&D company get strategic traction here

Management Consulting Firm Toronto - Operations and Process


Robust processes are what keep an organization running smoothly. We take a deep dive into every business process using Lean Six Sigma to root out operational roadblocks and create best practices that leave your competition speechless. We combine rigorous analysis with cross-industry experience in process improvement to increase capacity, streamline operations, reduce costs, and establish operational and supply chain foundations. See how we reduced processing losses by 42% saving $17M on our clients RMA process

Management Consulting Firm Toronto - Mergers


The due diligence associated with M&A activity is often conducted by professionals that see a business purely from a financial perspective. We bring the operational lens to the table by carefully evaluating the impact to people, process, and systems. Operational roadblocks are identified and removed to create positive financial outcomes. Post acquisition, we assist with process integration between companies, process maturity evaluations, and consolidation of strategic sourcing. 

Management Consulting Firm Toronto- Technology


Technology and automation is rapidly changing the social and economic fabric of human activity. Choosing the right technology and customizing it to your particular business is critical to ensuring a return on your investment. We take you through a systematic process to ensure your business is leveraging the best technologies available in the market today. In addition to legacy system improvements, and ITIL framework development, we can assist with implementing cutting edge technologies such as ERP, RPA, and AI. See how we helped one of our clients achieve an annual cost reduction through proper ERP selection

Management Consulting Firm Toronto - Financial


Every business needs access to money to manage cashflow and invest in their future. Through our affiliate network, we'll bring the best financial professionals to the table to help you navigate financial obstacles you face. Cleaning up your books, securing government funding, and securing investment funding are a few of the activities we perform. 

Management Consulting Firm Toronto - Human Resources


Your people are at the heart of everything you do. Ensuring you have the right organizational structure, and the correct skills and resources is critical to keep the business moving in the right direction. We can help you create the right structures for talent to thrive. We also provide interim executive C-level staff or advisors to help manage the business during critical times requiring seasoned change management.  

Management Consulting Firm Toronto - Training Lean Six Sigma


Our training and coaching services keep your employees sharp and passionately engaged. We have a rich repository of training services that range from informative sessions to focused workshops. Management can benefit from our leadership training that covers a wide range of business  topics. Employees can benefit from a plethora of topics on how to create operational excellence through Lean Six Sigma in different parts of the business. Lean about Lean Six Sigma principles at Lean Enterprise Institute

Technology & Automation
Operations & Process
Mergers & Acquistions
Financial Consulting
Human capital management
Traning & Development


Breadth and depth of experience come from solving problems across a variety of industries. We delve deeply to solve the root cause, and cross-pollinate solutions from a broad range of industries. In so doing, we can bring you the best practices available from a wide well of knowledge. Here are just a few places we've been: 

Lean in healthcare
Image by Ani Kolleshi

We depend on a variety of healthcare organizations to be resilient and uncompromising in the service of our most vulnerable. It's common for them to be overworked, understaffed, and not have the tools and systems to do their job well.We can help you incorporate the best practices and technologies to deliver the best care to the folks that matter to us the most.

Lean in manufacturing
Image by Greg Rosenke

Every manufacturer strives to seamlessly tranform raw material into high quality products for their customers. Supply chain delays, production bottlenecks, and equipment breakdowns are but a few of the challenges every manufacturer faces. Our deep knolwedge of manufacturing systems, Lean Six Sigma, and technologies can help you build resilience and stability in your operations which ultimately creates customer loyalty and bottom line results.

Lean Six Sigma in IT
Fixing a Computer

You need to be able to make informed decisions about your business at the speed of the market. This can be challenging when data is scattered across multiple systems and data integrity is in question. We can help you modernize your IT systems so that insights are a mouseclick away.

Lean in Supply Chain
Image by Evonne Yuwen Teoh

Are inventory levels compromising your cashflow? Is inventory accuracy a constant battle? Are your dreading the next cycle count? Running out of warehouse space? Let us help you put these problems to rest and build an inventory system that is reliable and manageable, and a warehouse that allows you to find your inventory easily.

Lean Startup and Research and Development
Image by You X Ventures

We believe innovation is at the heart of commercial activity. Every curious mind needs the freedom and resources to explore new ideas and inventions. Building systems that cultivate scientific experimentation and deep collaboration is what we do best. 

Lean Six Sigma in Utilities
Image by Rachel Woock

Utilities typically operate in a heavily regulated environment. Coupled with the expensive responsibility of maintaining equipment and assets across a large geography, modernizing process and systems can be challenging. Our seasoned Lean Practitioners combine process expertise with safety to help build best-in-class systems to keep utilities running smoothly under modern pressures.

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